The new stump.

Hello! My name is Daniel Steven Kleinman. I have been proud to serve and represent Disney Elementary as a Community Representative to our Local School Council. Over the past term, it has become clear that our whole Disney family has become emboldened to push to even further heights of excellence. I have been an education advocate since Twenty Twelve, when I first served on the Local School Council for Senn High School in Edgewater, and our success at Disney is inspiring.

Our school, Disney Magnet Elementary, now more than ever, sets a standard that I have been proud to uphold. Our student body is more racially and economically diverse than our area, and I have worked to foster safe spaces in our neighborhood with local businesses.

As a former student with a disability, I was honored to make the successful motion to hire an additional Social Worker for the campus and have been a supporter of our diverse learners from the beginning. I have put our students first by working against dog waste on our grounds. I proactively networked with our Alderman and our Block Clubs to dialogue toward a better alternative: a real dog park not at our school. I have served you, your children, and your neighbors. I publish meeting notes, such as information on our recent parking lot votes, on my blog: Thank you for taking the time to read to this. I am looking forward.