Diversity and Equity in Local Public Education are not Words. They are Actions.

I assume the following:

An experience cannot be represented if never experienced. While first-hand knowledge can be respected by another, it cannot be directly shared. For the experience to be represented, it must be represented by those with that experience.

An experience cannot be expressed if never heard. Those who stand with can only do so by listening to the direct experiences of those with whom they stand.

It is therefore an obligation, when it comes to race and institutional racism, and I have to say this directly:

The white people among us, us in the leadership of our local public education system, are demanded to participate in safe space conversations for the above assertions to be inserted directly into our going forward understanding of institutional inequities.

We must acknowledge this. It is because we lack the first hand experience. True agency can only be asserted if the agency is asserted by true experience. Respect this.

At Disney Magnet, our school is 48.2% Black, 20.6% are Latino/a/x/ (census: Hispanic) and only 15% white. Our institutional policies must proactively assert this. The same must be true across our schools who might face similarly.

We must be antagonists of looking the other way. We must stand against any reluctance to stand with. We must invite those whom have traditionally not been greeted.

Diversity and Equity in Local Public Education must not be Words. They must be Actions.

I have expressed my intent to the council to make an official motion in the new year to establish a diversity committee led by our parents of color and their children and with our teachers of color to provide for the next steps that would be appropriate in implementation of our shared goals.

I am looking forward.