Proud to Have Union Printed Materials!

I believe in organized labor. Let me tell you why:

Our nation owes so much of its modern progressive values to those who organized, not just for themselves, but for the benefit of everyone.  These efforts have been deeply imbedded in our society now, like the notion of having a weekend, or a safe work environment, or fairer wages, and it is hard to forget that many organizers lost their lives fighting these social battle.

I agree that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

If we truly believe in economic empowerment and equity, then we must acknowledge the necessity of organized labor.

The contemporary labor movement is not anti-democracy.  It is Democracy.  It is the only enfranchising effort that the employed have to represent them to the Employer.

Labor organization should be encouraged, not disparaged.

And so I print all of my materials at a print shop that can rightly include their union bug.

It is not that I agree with every decision or act that a Union makes or takes.

It is that I insist that the right to make those decisions or acts can not be abridged.

This is not a statement of argument.

This is a statement of my values.