Hundreds of Sexual Abuse Cases at CPS; Oversight by Parents, Teachers, and Community an Imperative

As a Representative to Disney Magnet Elementary Local School Council, I was pained to read the Chicago Tribune article and report( citing more than 400 incidents of sexual abuse had occurred within CPS buildings over the last 7 years.  

This is tragic.

This can not continue.

This can not happen again.

In a detailed report, excellently summarized by Illinois Raise Your Hand,, it was found that on behalf of CPS, there were no centralized guidelines or standards for how to handle reports of sexual abuse, including that some principals reported not knowing that there were mandatory sexual education curricula.

Soon after the report’s publication, CPS announced it was launching a new office, The Office of Student Protections.

Now a month after announcing the office, I urge CPS to continue to develop this strategy, but with the input, guidance, and oversight of the Local School Councils of the City of Chicago.  We are the elected representatives of the schools that CPS administers.

I am speaking on my own, but If you would like to add your name with me, let me know.